Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chapter 3 of Thailand travel advice.

Be on the lookout for a  trip to travel Thailand.

      Thailand, like a many cities in the world. Both good and bad. Today I will introduce the negative side of Thailand that you are careful when you are traveling to Thailand.
        Thais is the nationality that is conscious clever many intellects in the world ranking.
But for hundreds of years ago that we use our intelligence exploit others. Thai people often take advantage of the intelligence is always in the wrong way. Therefore, we must be vigilant.  What is different between good or bad?
         The friendship that has the natural manner. If it look unnatural , speak boast be unbelievable , we should be avoiding. Strange-looking vehicle, car condition is not good and the car looks different to others is what you should avoid. If you are under pressured of the agent who want to sell serving you,you should be said "NO THANK YOU" and walk out slowly that enough.
      Thais in the upcountry is also a poor condition that is different from Thais in the capital.  They quite poor. Is an incentive for him to use intelligence in the wrong way. So be very careful in traveling to place that are not popular. Is not popular that cause  less people and the prospects for these thieves is more.
     Transportation is one of the worst in Thailand. A lot of accidents was, happen every minute on the road in Thailand, is the country that have statistic died from the car, in the world ranking. Therefore, the trip will go, should choose to travel by vehicle a good level. Plane seems to be much safer than the car.
     You need to plan your trip and learning enough. Just say "NO Thank you" if you don't want. Emergency numbers to take everywhere they go.
     You can ask me about travel plans at any time you want. Ask for price or condition or other of Thailand I hope that you will have a good trip in Thailand.
     Welcome to Thailand.

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